Preschool Boxes & School Projects

I ordered my son a preschool box, filled with learning activities and games and crafts as well a book, its a monthly subscription box and each month you get 4 letters of the alphabet (as well as numbers) and crafts related to the letter(s) in your box. So I started Braxton on the cloud rainbow craft for colors and he completed the alligator A. Today we shall work on the letter B. probably read the book again as well as play the counting jar game.

I was actually pretty pleased with this monthly subscription box( I have a subscription addiction lol) and how much my boys enjoyed it and how much it kept them entertained, which not a whole lot holds their attention for long, so for me this was a great purchase. I posted the link incase anyone wants to check them out.

Shaylyn also had her Heritage Project do this week for school. We ordered a printer, ink, printer paper, mod podge and construction paper from Amazon, thank God for Amazon Prime and it got here within days. She did it on Sir Frederick Grant Banting and it was due yesterday but presentation is today and she worked really hard on it so fingers crossed she did great.

There was lots of stuff printed, I no longer have ink left lol, 2 boards of information along with a board to hold up her schools she made that were named after Banting. She also paper machete a vial of insulin and a syring. I told her here’s hoping the mod podge holds so her schools stay upright and her paper machete stays where it was placed. She’s never really excited about her schhol projects but this one she is so hopefully she does well on it.