Horror and Chinese with my friend

I need a friend night and Chinese food, preferably from a box but you cant get that here unless it’s from Wok Box and no thanks lol. I just want to stuff noodles in my face with my friend while we binge watch horror films or true crime stories. Plus I havent seen her in a long minute or her kids and I miss her neighborhood. I just had this convo with her yesterday about this. I feel like a Rob Zombie movie, A true crime film, a mass amount of chinese food and some girl time would be good. I feel like my soul needs it. However I am the biggest procrastinator of existence so I doubt it’s going to happen anytime soon. A girl can wish though eh.


So I think I may be paying for Disney+ for myself and not my children and I dont even care lol. They hardly watch it and I’m in my glory, watching it almost daily. Sad right? I dont even care 🤷‍♀️Currently watching Blossom, wishing I still had blow up furniture, a makeup bag full of lipsmackers to compare with friends and an Orbitz to drink 😅😂

I absolutely love it. Last week I finished My So-Called Life and I was remembering the teenage crush on young Jared Leto 😍

Plus who the hell doesnt like the Duck Tales theme song? Pretty much reliving my childhood in my room with the selection, plus Joey Russo, AKA Joey Lawrence, the teenage girl in me is shrill screaming lol

My Wittle Jay Bug

Jayla has been doing great. Her family doctor thinks she’s under weight but her pediatrician said he must be going by her birthdate and not her due date as she was premature and the pediatrician has no issues or worries so neither do we. She’s doing amazingly well with her heterotaxy diagnosis. The only thing the pediatrician wants is for us to do a check up with the cardiologist, who last visit had no concerns, so we’re not too worried about going to see him for a check up.

Birthday Blast

So Brax had a great 5th birthday. He was overly happy with the mass amounts of gum sent his way the week leading up to his special day.

Covid 19-What A Year

So lots have happened this year, stuff I wont mention because I hate that it happened but lots of other stuff has as well.

I got a bigger place. Much bigger. Its fabulous actually. I did my boys room all up, my landlord did my daughters cause him and his wife are wonderful.

I had a baby that was diagnosed with heterotaxy and was born early but even with the diagnosis, shes surviving and thriving and impressing doctors every appointment. She could’ve been in much serious shape however so far all we’ve dealt with is a surgery for duodenal artesia.

Annnnnnd my big boy turns 5!!! Party is tomorrow but he’s so excited for the decorations lol

#Heterotaxy #DuodenalArtesia #Mario #Birthday #Party #BigMove #MoreSpace #LifeHasBeenKickingMyAssLately #OnlyPostingTheGoodStuff #Covid19LikeThisPastYearWasntAlreadyPoop 💩