Preschool Boxes & School Projects

I ordered my son a preschool box, filled with learning activities and games and crafts as well a book, its a monthly subscription box and each month you get 4 letters of the alphabet (as well as numbers) and crafts related to the letter(s) in your box. So I started Braxton on the cloud rainbow craft for colors and he completed the alligator A. Today we shall work on the letter B. probably read the book again as well as play the counting jar game.

I was actually pretty pleased with this monthly subscription box( I have a subscription addiction lol) and how much my boys enjoyed it and how much it kept them entertained, which not a whole lot holds their attention for long, so for me this was a great purchase. I posted the link incase anyone wants to check them out.

Shaylyn also had her Heritage Project do this week for school. We ordered a printer, ink, printer paper, mod podge and construction paper from Amazon, thank God for Amazon Prime and it got here within days. She did it on Sir Frederick Grant Banting and it was due yesterday but presentation is today and she worked really hard on it so fingers crossed she did great.

There was lots of stuff printed, I no longer have ink left lol, 2 boards of information along with a board to hold up her schools she made that were named after Banting. She also paper machete a vial of insulin and a syring. I told her here’s hoping the mod podge holds so her schools stay upright and her paper machete stays where it was placed. She’s never really excited about her schhol projects but this one she is so hopefully she does well on it.

Potty Training A Krabby Patty Sour Patch Kid(my moody 3 year old)

Mother’s I NEED HELP!!! Seriously…send a whole squad of help. Potty training has been basically impossible. He will pee when he wants and most times its in the shower or in my mop bucket, the joys of boys right, and wait for it, has opened up the door while I was in mid shower and peed on me, which or course just brought on the hysterical laughter. Thanks for R.Kelly-ing me boy child.

I have also been really consistent. I will have alarms on my phone vibrate every 30 minutes so I can ask him or place him, did not work.

I have a sticker chart which he really don’t care for.

I have bribed him with promises of trampoline parks or whatever toy he wants from Toys R us or things I know he’d be into. Does not phase him. He still won’t go.

Downloading apps for him to play hasn’t worked.

I also have different potties and potty seats.

YouTube videos is a no go.

Stories about it. Nothing works.


I need to figure something out because he’s going to be 4 next month and I don’t want to be changing 4 year old bums.He’s 3 and is a poop monster. I swear at times I think somebody else has taken a poop in his pull-ups cause I don’t understand how so much can come from a child that’s so small.

He’s really not so crabby unless he’s tired but he’s been moody about potty use lately and since I’m talking some smack in my title I had to find some Krabby Patty pictures.

Have You Seen Me?? Please Re-Blog…Get Their Faces Out There

Just an update. Scott Taylor’s body was found, so his family got some closure. The main reason I am updating this and reblogging is because of the article about Randy Manuel. A lady was doing a youtube series of Kim Amero’s story about being missing and she couldn’t find anything on Randy except for my post on my blog so I figured it would be good to get it circulating again since Kim has yet to be found. Not surprising since our justice system up here in Canada doesn’t like to let the general public be aware of sexual predators in their neighborhood. If you want to view the series on YouTube is the link and it has a few chapters to be watched explaining her disappearance by Jaymee Splude.

The Adventures of Jenna and Neil

So awhile back I wrote a post about my friend Tiffany’s cousin Kim Amero who has been missing for 20+ years,in fact closer to 3 decades Kim has been missing. Remember the story of the girls missing from Ohio who nobody heard from in 10 years…their story ended as well as a missing persons story could, they were found,alive. Scott Taylor, I guy I went to high school with is also missing and his family is another one not giving up hope. I hope you re-blog this to get their faces out their. You never know right. Might not do anything, might bring up new info,or even a happy ending…regardless a family needs closure. Tiffany is one of my best friends and I went to school with Scott so these stories hit home for me a little bit.


^ This is Kim Amero who has been missing since 1985

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The Sister I Grew Up Without

So as a young teenager, I was told about a secret sister that I unknowingly had and had pointed out to me. She was a small child in elementary school. Not of age for a 15 year old me to be like “Hey surprise! We’re sisters”. So quietly I watched her walk on by, stayed put and kept quiet. If you know my mouth, keeping quiet when I don’t want to is a task in itself, trust me. I kept quiet for almost 19 years in hopes somebody would eventually tell her. Unfortunately that seemed like it was never going to happen.

Almost 19 years of wondering. I wondered what she would’ve been like. I wondered if she was good during holidays and birthdays. I wondered what her personality was like. I wondered A LOT on top of a ton of curiosity. Some days it was hard, but mostly it was just me wondering.All I knew of this mystery child was her first name,Deven.

So when I was pregnant with my son almost 4 years ago I was in Sears buying pregnant girl undies, you know, the great big huge ones that can fit your rounded tummy in and basically be used as a flag in emergency situations if need be or shelter a small family if stranded on an island Huge. The cashier who served me looked so much like my Aunt Tina and My cousin Shanice I was like in awe. The resemblances were crazy. I looked down to find a name tag and low and behold guess what her name was, Deven.

So my wondering only increased after that. Was she the girl? She had to be. It was like looking at my cousin but it was not my cousin. I knew after seeing her adult face that she was my sister. Now to plan out if Im going to speak up or stay hoping her momma will. What if I was wrong. At this point it was just a want of confirmation not a need, like I said the resemblances were crazy.

I haven’t seen her since until friend suggestions popped her up in my newsfeed

I made a “What would you do” post online on Facebook basically asking what people in similar situations would do or would have done. The stories started being posted on my post as well as in my direct messages. I got some pretty great friends. However not all stories were happy and good. There was a lot of heart break and sadness that some of my friends experienced and I wanted the good, the bad and the ugly. All of it.I really also thought about her parents and their reactions. I thoroughly thought about it completely before deciding what I was about to do.I was in no means trying to be selfish. In fact I almost backed out completely because I honestly felt like she should have that conversation with her parents. I did keep quiet though her whole childhood in hopes it would happen, but it didn’t.

There is no hostility towards her mother for keeping quiet. I get it. My dad is something else to say the least so there’s no anger over that by any means. Ive hid the fact he was my father most of my life so I honestly couldn’t be mad about that. Years are going by and have gone by. After thinking about it for a long time and hearing the good and bad that could come along with telling somebody such news, I made my decision. I’m going to tell this girl. This was by no means for selfish reasons.

I got it confirmed from a member in her family first to be sure, you know, in case she wasn’t and I just drop this crazy, false information into her inbox. So I got the confirmation. One of my Aunt’s wanting me to speak up the other not so much. I typed her out a message and it was so poorly written and I kept apologizing through it but I did send it. She responded with “I don’t understand”, completely understandable. So I told her again. She doesn’t respond for a little bit and I figured she was either calling her parents to confirm what I just sent to her, she was in complete shock or a combination of both. She was on the phone with her momma. Her mom, God love her, confirmed what I was saying. I was really nervous and scared about that because if she denied it the poor girl would’ve thought I was a loon.

Then came a lot of questions and back and forth conversations and picture exchanging. I took some of my family’s photos and sent them to her, I don’t know if they care of not but if so, that’s a bitch out I am fully willing to take. Just as well I am going to post them in this post.

She was not bitter or mean at all. She’s pretty funny as well as nice. We have similar health issues. Have basically been around the same people growing up. Just a really decent individual so clearly she was raised right. I appreciate her dad for loving her as his own. Im am overly happy that she grew up happy and had a good life. There’s a bit of sadness for the lost years but that probably wont ever go away. I have years ahead that are waiting for memories to be made.

So like 90% of these pictures I sort of just helped myself to but I really needed to show off resemblances so you’ll understand when I saidThe cashier who served me looked so much like my Aunt Tina and My cousin Shanice I was like in awe

Welcome To My Site!

Hi Everyone,

My name is Jenna and I am a type 1 diabetic, living in Canada, with 3 children, Shay, Brax and Cash. I like DIY posts from other bloggers and hunting for recipes online. I do have another blog but I don’t use it anymore so I decided to start fresh.

I read a lot and collect novels. I have the mouth of a sailor, consider that your warning if you continue to read. I actually wanted a new blog to connect with people that have been in similar situations, which will be my first post after this introductory post. So please bare with me. Also anyone that has dealt with diabetes because trust me, I do complain of my broken pancreas, A LOT, people who enjoy reading and discussing books/movies, moms of multiple kids so I can feel like Im not the only one having crazy days. To people that have also found long lost siblings, secret siblings ancestry finds and stories that are similar. So feel free to share and comment.

Now that I have finished my rambling, welcome to my site ❤